Tiny Moments Big Smiles

Hello hello you wonderful people! 

It’s been a while since I have written a blog and I am so happy I am finally writing one because I miss it. I started working at Tim Hortons and am happy to say that my struggle to independently build my life has finally begun. I will be honest with you, I make it sound all happy and sweet but it is tough as hell and I sweat to get a meal two times a day. 

When you’re growing up in India you realize there are a few jobs that are looked down upon. The term “odd jobs” is given to work that entails insane physical work, and the more intellectual work is - respected. After traveling and living in the West I have realized a lot of positives as well as negatives. 

The biggest thing I have learned is, respecting every single job because it is HARD WORK. 

I am genuinely sitting here as a proud Tim Hortons employee telling you, I clean dustbins, do the garbages, make coffee, scrub the floors, mop the floors, deal with racist annoying people, and serve people for a living. And, I do it happily(later crib about it to my friends).

When I got my paycheck, I’ll be honest, I didn’t think much of it because I have been way too tired to think but my parents, printed my paycheck and kept it in front of the mandir (temple) and cried with joy. That is the first time I think they have ever been proud of me. I can’t talk a lot about financial independence right now, because I am still trying to get there, but I will talk about something I am so fortunate to have learned early on. 

As a kid, I have been known to chase something exciting and new and soon quit because either it was too hard or not fun enough. I have wasted quite a bit of my parent’s money exploring things and leaving them incomplete and they often told me to complete things. Now that I am venturing into the real world have come to realize what they meant. 

You may not like the job you’re doing but you have to give it your best. Whatever you’re capable of. Just make sure, you are trying. A job is a job. And even if, we are in a position in life where we are doing something we are passionate about, it is bound to get monotonous but that doesn’t mean, you always quit. There is always scope to grow. 

Well, this is what I have learned so far and also, when you are an immigrant, you are going to face some casual racism but you can’t let that get to you. (It takes time but I guess, it is a part of your struggle). 

Summer is here and have made some core memories. Sometimes I feel writing these blogs is so helpful because I am literally documenting my core memories and if I ever lose my memories, I can just read these blogs. 

Here’s some stuff that makes me smile from the inside- 

A cup of delicious coffee in the backyard, basking in the warm sun with someone you love, and sharing moments of comfortable silence and great conversation. 

Falling asleep peacefully

When your super pretty friend looks beautiful in a dress

Buying yourself stuff with your own money 

Buying people you love stuff with your own money 

A long hug 

Frequent calls with people back home 

When someone misses you 

The evening after work when you know you have the next few days off 

A meal you cooked decently well 

Spontaneous meet-ups at night 

So this is what has been going on. I am learning a lot, I am changing a lot and I guess, I am growing up a lot. 

P.s. sending you hugs and warm weather happy skies vibes!

Also, i rarely take pictures so this is the best I've got of me enjoying something. 


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