The Legends I Met 😍
I was randomly writing a 'myself' composition as we did when we were in first grade to check out my handwriting and something dawned on me. As I wrote my birthdate I couldn't help but wonder, are the people you meet throughout your life meant to cross your path at a particular time? Is it all destined? Does it have a purpose? Or is it all a massive coincidence?
I believe in the quote, 'people come into your life for a reason or a season'. And, I will be honest, the people I met on the tour- I know I met for a reason and hope they stay for many many seasons.
Which is why I guess, it was so difficult to say goodbye. I finally understand what Soph meant when she said "you meet so many wonderful people on trips, it makes saying goodbye so difficult."
When she said it, I didn't quite understand the gravitas that simple sentence held, but after I came back, it hit me- I might never meet them again..
Now, I don't want this to be a sad read, but I can't help but feel a little teary eyed thinking about this. If you're wondering why I'm SO in love with them let me tell you.
For the first time in my life, I felt like I could completely be myself. No judgment. A simple example would be - I love alcohol, but I'll enjoy maybe just one or two glasses the entire night. No one made me feel like I was boring, or was uncool or judged me for playing a drinking game with water and then peeing a million times.
I could just be.
They really listened. I have never been a position where people not only want to get to know you, but want to get the know the depths of you. There is SO much to a person and to find people who simply want to UNDERSTAND where you come from and what your mindset is instead of hunting for similarities is so beautiful. In simpler words, we could all be extremely different and still belong together in peace.
When you manage to share a comfortable silence with someone without it being awkward, you somehow know you've met your clan. We didn't know each other for too long, but not once did I feel the pressure to constantly come up with interesting topics to talk about or entertain them, they just had this magical understanding, to make you feel comfortable and be in your own world without letting you be completely alone. Now that, I've never experienced.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Now, it's pretty evident i love, love. But when you feel loved, thats a whole new story. They weren't afraid to show they care, or tell you if they liked something about you, or simply make you feel amazing. I know for a fact, that when I'm 80, probably having forgotten most of the trip that i was on, I will never forget how they made me feel. When a person makes you feel good about your existence, it says a lot about their character. So, I really hope script writers approach me if they need some inspo for some epic movie characters inspired from real life because I happen to have 22 really cool personalities I can talk about for hours.
Individuals who aren't afraid to walk alone and carve their own path. People like that are so hot! They are so incredibly self sufficient, confident, and basically living their best life. It is so inspiring watching people actually LIVE their lives on their own terms, independently miles away from societal norms. They literally blew my mind.
I could quite possibly write an entire thesis on the people I've met, but some things are so hard to describe. All I can say is, I met a group of pure hearted, wonderful people that I hated saying goodbye to. And believe me, I am already manifesting and fantasizing our next meet up. Dear universe, please make that happen.
So, if it was in my destiny to meet them, I am really grateful. Because, they made that trip I think the best time I've spent in my entire life. And for that, I can only say two things
Thank you!
Oh and,
Eeeuuu 🤙
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